Darkness Follows
The story begins with an evil alchemist using his magic shadow stone to mutate a young boy into a shadow creature. With newly acquired shadow powers, this boy escapes his captor, fighting off and hiding from monstrous creatures created by the alchemist. While trying to find a way back to his village, the boy slowly uncovers his memories previously enveloped by shadows, learning his past and true destiny. Remembering who the shadow alchemist is and his true motives, he understands how to defeat him and save the village.
GDD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HLPwjlE3gFNhkNyC4szTz7McUl4x4tcL0533XnAU9vY/edit#heading=h.lr899156xjnx
- Move: A or D (Left Arrow or Right Arrow)
- Powerup: Sequence of key 3 presses (Q and E)
- Jump: Space bar
- Dash: S key if powerup is active
- Attack: W (normal) and F (Strong) - not fully implemented yet
- Superjump: QQE
- Dash: QEQ
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